Whether you’re aiming to lose fat, build a booty, get better balance or stronger bones, women need to lift weights. And not the ‘fast reps, baby barbell, Pump class’ variety of weights. We’re talking controlled, full-body movements that improve posture, build confidence and carve a bulletproof bod.
There are so many benefits to lifting weights for women that I could write a book. So let’s get the Cliffs Notes edition right here.
"weight training is the perfect vehicle for your energy, focus, fierceness and ferocity."

Five freaking fantastic benefits from weight training for women:
1. You look - and feel - powerful
When you can squat your body weight (or more), or lift weights that previously intimidated you, you gain an incredible sense of inner strength. There is nothing more powerful than a woman on fire, and weight training is the perfect vehicle for your energy, focus, fierceness and ferocity.
When you start bicep curling 3kg dumbbells and soon move onto a 20kg barbell, you look and feel like an absolute weapon. Because you are.
"you learn to proudly take up space instead of trying to make yourself smaller"
2. Your posture improves

Weight training requires great mind-muscle connection. You become aware of your neck position, the arch in your back, the way you distribute your weight through your feet. You learn how to stand, sit and move to exert maximum power and you learn to proudly take up space instead of trying to make yourself smaller and smaller to fit the old model of ‘skinny’ or ‘fit’.
You stand tall, shoulders back, core braced and ready for action. Your back pain goes, your joint pain reduces, your belly draws in and your breathing improves. All from lifting weights!
3. You stop focusing on what your body looks like, and start appreciating what it can DO
When you stop worrying about what your body looks like and start focusing on what it can DO, you are truly free. Who cares if you have a belly roll - you just deadlifted 100kgs! Who cares if you have cellulite, you can do five pull ups!

Many clients start with an initial fat loss goal. They soon move onto a performance goal:
I want to squat my body weight
I want to do unassisted pull ups
I want to do full push ups
I want to run a 5km
I want to deadlift more than my husband 😉
That’s when the REAL progress happens. Because when you get stronger, you get the body you initially wanted as the icing on the cake.
4. You move with confidence and intent
Women who regularly lift weights have an inner confidence that says ‘don’t mess with me’. When you’ve struggled under a buckling weight and won, you have an inner confidence that KNOWS you can fight and emerge victorious. Whether you’re battling the barbell, the voice in your head that wants a pizza, or your moody teenager, you have inner reserves of strength, confidence and fortitude that act like an iron core.
And when you move with intent, you’re more formidable, less vulnerable, more empowered. That’s important at any age, but especially as we move into our 60s, 70s and beyond.
You trust your body. You stop fighting it. You start celebrating it. You become unstoppable.

5. You become unstoppable
Women who embrace weight training ignite a ferocious fire that cannot be extinguished. When you are comfortable and confident in your body, you take up space. You look everyone in the eye. You walk with purpose. You won’t be taken down by a bad day or a bad week or a bad meal. You trust your body. You stop fighting it. You start celebrating it. You become unstoppable.
Want to build a bulletproof body? Join The Menopause Project - 8 weeks to a stronger, leaner, happier you.